Thanks for your interest in this project.
Please take a minute to let me know how to best communicate with you over the next three and a half months.

What is your name?*

Clear selection
Level of Participation/Availability
1. Draft questionnaire questions for the team’s input (@Laurie - Jan. 8th End of Day)
2. Review of questions by team (Jan. 13th)
3. Draft list of contacts and organizations to send a questionnaire invite (everyone by Jan. 13th)
4. Final questionnaire (LH – Jan. 15th starts circulation)
5. Questionnaire responses received until Feb. 15th
6. Project management draft Mar. 15th
7. Draft presentation Mar. 15th
8. Business Plan draft report April 1st
9. Final draft April 15th
10. Final presentation April 15th

Note: The timeline is based on the PCF/Zanshin contract deadline, but review of final deliverables for independent or PCF contributors have a longer deadline.

Are there any of the milestones that you are particularly interested in (select all that apply):

Clear selection

Given the timeline, do you think you have time to participate?*

Clear selection
Communication Logistics
Please let me know your preferences.

Which of the following communication methods do you prefer (select all that apply):*

Clear selection

If by telephone, what is your phone number and top 3 preferred times to reach you?

Clear selection

If face-to-face or group meetings, during what days of the week do you prefer to meet (select all that apply):

Clear selection

If face-to-face/group meetings, during what time of the day do you prefer to meet (select all that apply):

Clear selection